
The Center for Teaching Excellence exists to promote and support transformational, high-quality, effective educational practices.


The University of Nebraska at Kearney includes staff and faculty who are unified in their desire to educate current and future students through quality practices. The university community shares common educational goals and encourages innovation through professional development, resources, and ongoing support. We collaborate across disciplinary areas to share transformational teaching strategies that engage students in academic content through meaningful experiences. 

Defining Excellence

Watch bet36365体育 Pratt-Heins Teaching Award Recipients answer the question "what is an excellent teacher in higher education?"

Check out the Higher Education Podcast

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Upcoming Events

13 Mar
The Teacher Scholar Series CMCT East Atrium | 12:00pm
27 Mar
The Teacher Scholar Series CMCT East Atrium | 12:00pm
10 Apr
The Teacher Scholar Series CMCT East Atrium | 12:00pm
24 Apr
The Teacher Scholar Series CMCT East Atrium | 12:00pm